The Reality of Time
Animated Short film
A interpretation of the Reality of Time based on the theories of French philosopher Henri Bergson and his meaning of “la durée”, the experienced time. A pure perception which isn’t already structured by our consciousness and available for our behaviors (Intuition).
This “Reality of Time” lies mainly behind what’s shown obviously – in his symbolic representation. What you see isn’t what it supposed to shown.
The Film begins with the capturing of a moment in time. After its manifestation the film splits itself in three layers: Past (Orange, later shown in the shape of the Shell-Collector), Present (White, later shown as a bird) and the Future (Blue, The Ray). At this point “time” corresponds as the all of us well known sequential representation (the pendular).
We follow the three layers till the moment when all of them are connected in one picture. Now they exist parallel. Past, Present and Future are not longer come after each other – now they exist next to each other.
According to Bergson this is the pure meaning of the reality of time. For realizing these enhanced perception (Intuition) you have to feel the time, experience the time. The black square tries to do this and stands for the symbolic representation of the whole, the “la durée”.
The encompassing time in the end counts another three seconds: Three Seconds of Present. The maximum duration our brain can consider as “timeless”.
Three Seconds of Present.
The maximum duration our brain can consider as “timeless”.

Graduation film
5:48 – The Reality of Time
Concept, Design & Animation
Mentoring: Prof. Tjark Ihmels
Support: Prof. Dr. Katrin Simons,
Prof. Dr. Thomas Meder, Prof. Dr. Martin Scholz, Prof. Ernst-August Klötzke
Concept, Art-Direction, Animation and Compositing
Sounddesign: Bernhard Dulle
2D-Support: Bastian J. Schiffer
Gefördert durch die Nachwuchsmedienförderung Rheinland-Pfalz
University of Applied Sciences, Mainz 2011