No.2 of the “woodstroke” series. Learning from this one: the plotter prints every single path. Also the two hundred ones, lying exactly on top of each other and mistakenly appeared as one.
Axidraw Prints
New “woodstroke” print series. Quite a pipeline from houdini to svg to illustrator to inkscape to the axidraw. But once you are there, it is satisfiying having a real life output you can touch.
#penplotter #plotter #print #indiaink #paper #römerturm #römerturmfeinstpapier #3dscan #3dobject #vex #sidefx #houdini #svg #export #import #adobe #illustrator #layermess #layerconfusion #inkscape #axidraw #plotterart #design #satisfying #codeart #artandtechnology #computerart #creativecoding